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Up: Intrusion Detection 101
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- Many research labs devoted to intrusion detection research
- UC Davis Seclab, Purdue CERIAS/COAST, SRI, IBM Zurich GSAL, MIT Lincoln Labs,
Columbia JAM, U. Idaho, NSWC, UNM, etc.
- many DARPA sponsored projects
- Even more companies
- NAI, ISS, Cisco, Axent, CyberSafe, NFR, IBM, NetworkICE, NSW, Tripwire, Hiverworld,
Haystack, ODS, MimeStar, EnGarde, etc.
- 1998 IDS market - $100 million (Aberdeen Group)
- IDS market to double between 1998 and 1999, with 39% compound annual growth
rate through 2003 (IDC)
Dug Song