libdistance: compute the distance between two pieces of data
requirements to do installation download related software author: license: 3-clause BSD. |
The distance library is used to compare pieces of data for similarity. Specifically, it contains a number of methods to find the "edit distance" between inputs, or the number of differences between them. These differences are calculated using various mechanisms. The inputs to these functions can be character strings or arbitrary data. Inputs are operated on pairwise as *s and *t and the edit distance value is returned. for additional information on the algorithms and API, see the manual page to the library.
libdistance-0.2.3.tar.gz (22 aug 2014)
libdistance-0.2.2.tar.gz (10 oct 2014)
libdistance-0.2.1.tar.gz (10 sep 2005)
libdistance-0.2.0.tar.gz (1 jan 2005)
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